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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Chevron Clinical Laboratory (Pte.) Ltd.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Applicable to all Branches of Chevron Clinical Laboratory (Pte.) Ltd.

Chevron aims to be a good corporate entity in every activity.

We have thus determined to bring together our existing operating principles into one framework policy under the heading of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The principles encompassed in this policy covers all area of our operations and have been developed and continue to be reviewed against and updated by reference to relevant codes of corporate governance and international standards including the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Report of the International Bioethics Committee  of UNESCO on Social Responsibility and Health, and the UN Convention against Corruption.

The Executive Committee of Chevron supports the principles set out in the codes and standards and the aim of this policy is to translate that support into a set of guidelines and standards that set a common approach for our company and provide practical guidance for our employees.

Compliance, Monitoring & Reporting

Compliance with this policy will be continuously monitored and subject to review by the Executive Committee of Chevron, supported by the CSR Committee. Compliance will be reported to directors through the Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report. Each branch manager is responsible for ensuring that the principles set out in this policy are communicated to, understood and observed by all employees of their specific branch. Employees who reasonably suspect that there has been a breach of this policy must report it to the In-Charge of CSR Committee in the Head Office directly in order to nullify chances of alteration of complaint or fear of retaliation. Disciplinary actions will be taken against any employee who threatens or engages in retaliation, retribution or harassment of any person who has reported or is considering reporting it to the Head Office CSR Committee in good faith. The Executive Committee of Chevron will not criticize management for any loss of business resulting from adherence to the principles set out in this policy. All sections of this policy are underpinned by the Chevron’s Code of Business Ethics (Section 1). The other areas covered by this policy are Safety and Security (Section 2), Employment (Section 3), Client and Community (Section 4) and Environment (Section 5).



Code of Business Ethics

This code applies to all of the operations of the company and sets out the minimum standards which the Executive Committee expects from staff in their internal and external dealings with colleagues, clients, shareholders and third parties.


1.1 Basic Standards of Conduct 

(a) We will conduct every aspect of our business with honesty, integrity and openness, respecting human rights and the interests of our employees, clients and third parties.

(b) We will respect the legitimate interests of third parties with whom we have dealings in the course of our business.

(c) We will always conduct our daily operations maintaining the highest standards of integrity.

 1.2  Employee 

Each branch of Chevron:

(a) Is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for its employees.

(b) Will strive to create a workplace in which there is mutual trust and respect and where every person feels responsible for the performance and reputation of Chevron as a whole.

(c) Will respect the individual and each other’s rights, customs and traditions.

(d) Will work towards achieving a diverse workforce, recruiting, employing and promoting employees only on the basis of objective criteria and the qualifications and abilities needed for the job to be performed.

(e) Will maintain good communications with employees through our information and consultation procedures.

(f) Will assist employees in realizing their potential.


1.3 Clients 

(a) Chevron is committed to providing safe, value for money, high quality, reliable, accurate and consistent service to the clients.


1.4 Shareholders 

(a) Chevron will conduct its operations in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance.

(b) We will provide timely, regular and reliable information of the business to all our shareholders.


1.5 Business Partners and Stakeholders

(a) We aim to develop strong relationships with our suppliers, stakeholders and others with whom we have dealings, based on mutual trust, understanding and respect.

(b) In those dealings, we expect our partners to adhere to business principles consistent with our own.

(c) Chevron will conduct their operations in accordance with the principles of fair competition and applicable regulations.


1.6 Compliance with Law 

(a) Chevron will comply with the laws and regulations of Bangladesh. Appropriate training will be provided for employees as necessary.

(b) The company shall not offer, give, seek or receive, either directly or indirectly, inducements or other improper advantages for business or financial gain and no employee may offer, give, seek or receive any gift or payment which is, or could be construed as, such. If an employee is in any doubt as to whether he or she may accept an offer, that employee should discuss the issue with his or her department In-charge.

(c) Chevron accounting and other records and supporting documents must accurately describe and reflect the nature of the underlying transactions.

(d) No undisclosed or unrecorded account, fund or asset will be established or maintained.

(e) Chevron will not facilitate, support, tolerate or condone any form of money laundering.


1.7 The Environment 

(a) Chevron is committed to making continuous improvement in the management of its environmental impact.


1.8 Community Involvement 

(a) Chevron strives to be a good corporate entity and to fulfill responsibilities to the communities in which it operates.


1.9 Conflicts of Interest and Confidentiality 

(a) Whilst Chevron respects privacy of its employees, all the employees are expected to avoid personal activities and financial interests, which could conflict with their responsibilities to Chevron.

(b) Chevron employees and consultants must not seek gain for themselves or others through misuse of their positions or company property.

(c) All actual and potential conflicts (including those arising from the activities or interests of close relatives or partners) should be disclosed.

(d) Information received by anyone in the course of his or her employment must not be used for personal gain or for any purpose other than that for which it was given.

(e) Where information is confidential, that confidentiality must be respected.




Safety & Security 

2.1 Safety 

The health and safety of our employees and clients is our paramount concern. We have developed the following high-level health and safety policy, which underpins all of our operational health and safety policies:

(a) General Statement: The Executive Committee of Chevron is committed to ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all of its employees at work and also the safety of clients and others.

(b) This policy seeks continuous improvement and compliance with legislation, having proper regard to the protection of people, premises, property and the environment. It is based upon the principles that:

– All injuries can be prevented

– The goal is zero injuries

– Safety is the responsibility of all employees

– Working safely is a condition of employment

– Staff is given appropriate information, instruction and training

– Adequate supervision is provided to ensure compliance with policies and safe systems of work.

– All other legal and statutory duties on health and safety incumbent upon CCLL are complied with in all their operations and locations.


2.2 Security  

(a) General Statement: Security is a key issue for our clients, staff and business. We recognize the range of security issues which can arise and have implemented the following high level security policy.

(b) The Executive Committee of Chevron is committed to ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the security of clients using our services, our employees at work and our property.

(c) The threats to security are wide ranging, significant and, in the main, driven by external influences. The ability to control risks varies. However, we have the ability to address or mitigate all of the threats which apply. To be successful in this we need the co-operation and engagement of all of our staff and our customers.

(d) Security is an area in which we seek continuous development and improvement and compliance with existing and emerging legislation. We will heighten the profile of security to ensure all members of staff understand why they should and how they can play their part. Our efforts will bring greater personal and corporate security and business benefit.

(e) This statement provides guidance and direction to all employees on what is both required and expected of them. We are confident our staff will appreciate the reasons for this and the benefits to them, their colleagues, our clients and our property.

(f) We aim to achieve, so far as is reasonably practicable:

– A secure environment for clients using our services.

– A secure environment for staff in their work.

– Security of our property.

– Security of our systems and processes.

(g) We will develop systems to monitor our performance on security within our operations. All operations will be subject to periodic inspection and review.

(h) The Head of Security will provide regular reports on group security to the Executive Committee.

(i) Chevron recognizes that this security policy needs to be supported by actions and processes to ensure delivery. The following measures are in place to assist this:

(j) A security strategy is in place, which underpins our policy, identifies the key strategic security issues for the business and the approach being taken to address these. This is designed to provide a structure, which allows measurement, review and ongoing refinement.

(k) The importance of security is emphasized to all staff through regular security briefings. Contact details for key security personnel are provided to the staff. Staff is actively encouraged to report security concerns.

(l) This approach to security allows us to ensure we have a process to translate our policy into effective implementation within the organization. It also allows us to formally recognize and demonstrate our commitment to the need for continuous development and improvement in this important aspect of our business. We also require contractors to comply with this policy whilst they are working at our premises.




In formulating employment policies, Chevron is guided by the principles of the International Labor Organization and Labor Laws of Bangladesh. These Guidelines encourage companies to foster openness, sustainability and respect for employee rights. Our employment policies cover all employees of Chevron, including our branches.


3.1 Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy  

  1. a) The Executive Committee of Chevron is committed to equality of opportunity both in the provision of services to the public and as an employer. This policy sets out Chevron’s commitment to treat equally and with fairness at all times its employees, clients, contractors and those who come into contact with the company.

(b) We are committed to seeking continuous improvement and compliance with legislation based on the following principles.

– No discrimination on grounds of race, gender, disability, nationality, religion, philosophical belief, political belief, age, sexual orientation, family status, or any other factor.

– Adoption of fair and inclusive practices throughout our operations and will seek to eliminate all prejudice, discrimination, bullying and harassment.

– All employees have a personal responsibility for the practical application of this policy in their daily operations.

– Non-compliance with this policy will be treated seriously and will not be tolerated.


(c) The Executive Committee of Chevron and the Branch Managers of Chevron are required to ensure:

– They create a productive and safe working environment, promoting diversity and inclusion in their workforce;

– They develop new practices, as appropriate, to ensure all employees, contractors and clients are treated fairly;

– They can demonstrate continuous improvement in practices to promote diversity and equal opportunities for all.

Legislation and Codes of Practice  

(d) We will comply with and exceed where possible, current national and international       legislation and relevant codes of practice of Bangladesh. We will monitor our compliance with this policy and the requirements of relevant underpinning legislation as appropriate.


Partner Organizations  

(e) We are committed to actively working with partner organizations to ensure our policies, procedures and practices are in line with best practice.


Practices and Standard Operating Procedures

(f) Each department will put in place practices and standard operating procedures to ensure the commitments in this policy are applied and implemented throughout the organization.


Access to Company Premises 

  1. g) We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that our buildings and premises are accessible to disabled employees, clients and visitors.

Access to Vehicles

  1. h) We will also take reasonable steps to ensure that our vehicles are accessible to clients and staff and comply with the relevant legislation of Bangladesh.

Access to Information  

  1. i) We will seek to ensure that information is made available to our clients and employees in alternative formats as required.


  1. j) All recruitment will be carried out with regard to fairness, equality and consistency for all candidates at all times. Recruitment practices will be inclusive and we will endeavor to ensure there are no barriers to employment of suitable candidates.

Staff Training  

  1. k) We will provide our staff with the necessary guidance and training to ensure the effective implementation of this policy and to ensure we are an inclusive employer and service provider.



  1. l) Any employee who feels that he or she has grounds for complaint in relation to bullying, discrimination, harassment or victimization has the right to pursue the complaint through our grievance procedures. Clients who feel they have grounds for complaint may report it to our Head Patient Relation Officer. We will ensure our complaints/feedback procedures can be accessed and used by everyone.


  1. m) We are committed to monitoring and reporting on our actions and achievements in relation to implementing this Diversity policy both internally and externally.


  1. n) We are committed to ensuring that our operations comply with the requirements of this policy and will periodically audit its implementation.

3.2 Human Rights  

Chevron supports the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We will adhere to the following principles in respect of our staff:

  1. a) We will treat all employees fairly and honestly, regardless of where they work. All staff will have agreed terms and conditions in accordance with local law or practice and will be given appropriate job skills training.
  2. b) We will pay a fair wage reflecting local markets and conditions. We will always meet any national minimum wage.
  3. c) Working hours shall not be excessive. They shall comply with medical sector guidelines and national standards where they exist.
  4. d) We will not employ illegal child labor, forced or bonded labor, forced overtime or condone illegal child labor.
  5. e) We will abide by the non-discrimination laws of Bangladesh.
  6. f) We will not use or condone the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse. We have disciplinary procedures for any member of staff whose conduct falls below the required standard.
  7. g) We have formal grievance procedures through which staff can raise personal and work related issues.
  8. h) All staff will be given reasonable access to bathroom and rest facilities.

3.3 Data Protection  

(a) We will comply with the relevant principles governing data protection in each country in which we operate.



Clients & Community  

4.1 Clients  

The mission and vision of Chevron is to be the Finest Healthcare Provider, delivering Quality Healthcare Service as our motto is “Accuracy is our Hallmark”. Being a Real Leader, we aim for the top in everything that we do, and helping each other, we can deliver the highest levels of safety and service and give greater client and employee satisfaction. We will share all the success of our Company and hold on to our achievement of being number one service provider. We will act in accordance with fair business, marketing and advertising practices and take all reasonable steps to ensure the quality of our services

 Respect the human rights of our clients – our security and revenue protection arrangements are consistent with international standards for law enforcement.

 Provide transparent and effective procedures that address clients complaints and contribute to fair and timely resolution of disputes without undue cost or burden.

 No making of representations or omissions or engaging in any other practices that are deceptive, misleading, fraudulent or unfair.

 Respect clients’ privacy and provide protection for personal data in accordance with the relevant local law.


4.2 Stakeholders  

We are committed to maintaining open and regular dialogue with all our stake holder groups in matters that affect their interests. These range from formal consultation to regular informal contact on a periodic basis.


4.3 Suppliers  

Ethical Purchasing Policy  

(a) We purchase a wide range of goods and services required in the operation of our business and we also rely heavily on a number of key suppliers for the delivery of our core services. Good working relationships with our suppliers are therefore central to the success of our business. For this reason, we clearly state our purchasing policy as part of ensuring that our business standards are integrated throughout the supply chain.

(b) We are committed to obtaining and retaining competitive goods and services while at the same time ensuring they are from sources which have not violated human rights & safety, or adversely affected the environment.

(c) We aim to develop strong relationships with our suppliers, based on mutual trust, understanding and respect.

(d) We expect our suppliers to adhere to business principles consistent to our own:

– Ensure that their products and services are produced and delivered to comply with all the legislation relevant to their business.

– Seek to maintain continuous improvement in their supply chain relationship with us.

– Ensure they adopt and implement acceptable safety, environmental, product quality, product stewardship, labor, human rights, social and legal standards in line with our own code and to ensure these issues are acceptably managed within the supply chain for any products supplied to us.

(e) We will seek to work with our key suppliers to:

– Develop long-term meaningful relations to the benefit of both parties.

– Improve the quality, environmental performance and sustainability of goods and services where this can be achieved to the benefit of both parties.


4.4 Community

Our relation with the local community we serve is very important to us and is an essential part in the growth of our business. When developing our services, we have a role to play in improving services for the community as a whole and not just our clients. Through our community strategy, we therefore engage with the community at a range of levels as clients, neighbors, potential employees, businesses and industries. Through our community strategy, we seek to play our part in promoting socially inclusive policies, encouraging the young and disadvantaged and helping older members of the community and the disabled. In line with our core values, our community strategy incorporates the following elements:

– Engagement with the local communities in which we operate on the quality of our services and any changes to those services;

– Working with local authorities, businesses and other interested parties to promote echo friendly quality services.

– Offering employment opportunities to all the sectors of community through non-discriminatory policies;

– Promoting engagement between our staff and community;

– Supporting local community groups and charities;

– Improving the environment in and around our operations;

– Promoting broader opportunities for workplace learning;




5.1 Environmental Policy  

Chevron works in close alliance with the Chittagong City Corporation to ensure our operations do not adversely affect the environment is any way. We also associate with Chittagong City Corporation concern authority to effectively dispose our environmentally hazardous waste through incineration and pit dumping methods.

Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Protection are the cornerstone of our business activities and Chevron is committed to:

– Abide by the legal requirements prevailing in Bangladesh and other requirements to which Chevron subscribes.

– Protect all our stakeholders from injuries and occupational illness.

– Protect the environment from pollution and damages.

– Safeguard all assets and properties from damage and deterioration.


Our policy is to strive to achieve continual improvement in environmental performance.

We are committed to:

– Preventing radiation hazardous and reducing the overall impact of our operations on the environment.

– Designating each department supervisor for the management of environmental issues within their department which includes clearly defined responsibilities for environmental management capable of delivering this policy commitment.

– Complying with, and where possible exceeding applicable legal and other requirements relating to the organization.

– Monitoring our environmental performance and setting objectives and targets for improvement.

– Providing appropriate training and awareness programmes for our staff.


5.2 Climate Change Policy  

Climate change has now been recognized as an international issue and Chevron is committed to taking action to reduce greenhouse emissions. At the same time we have a role in supporting Bangladesh Government and communities to reduce the impacts of climate change. We are committed to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from our operations in a way which supports Government strategies and in line with our commitment to our clients to provide safe, efficient and reliable services.

Our key climate change commitments are:

– To assess the potential impact to our business from evolving climate change policies as part of our on-going risk management processes.

– To actively promote improved energy efficiency and fuel efficiency within our business.


5.3 Biodiversity Policy  

Our policy in respect of conserving and promoting biodiversity reflects our commitment to furthering the aims of sustainable development in the management and development of our business. All businesses affect biodiversity through the use of resources and discharge of waste products. This Biodiversity Policy is therefore consistent with our broader Environmental Policy, which includes a stated commitment to minimize the environmental impacts of our operations and prevent pollution.


Our policy is to strive to enhance biodiversity where practicable.

Accordingly, our commitments are:

Where we operate from sites which are designated as being of importance due to their natural habitats, we will work with the relevant authorities and affected parties to ensure the protection of these habitats through effective radiation control measures and management plans with the aim of conserving or enhancing the biodiversity of these sites.

Where we are involved in the development of new sites, we will comply with all relevant statutory requirements and guidelines in respect of designated areas on any of our development sites. Where significant areas of landscaping are proposed, we will aim to promote biodiversity through, for example, sensitivity of planting taking account of any local biodiversity networks or action plans.

Where we operate from existing sites the potential to promote biodiversity is likely to be limited. The nature of the operations conducted at our sites is such that they are largely covered in hard standing. We will however seek to identify any sites where the potential exists for enhancing biodiversity and over time develop appropriate actions plans to achieve this.

Where we consider it appropriate to do so, we will support the implementation of the Biodiversity Action Plan and Local Biodiversity Action Plans defining areas which require special protection and management to ensure that biodiversity is maintained.

We will seek to do this in partnership with the relevant authorities and affected parties, who promote biodiversity on a local and national level and seek to identify ways in which we may be able to support the development of selected schemes or initiatives.

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