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Diagnostic Pathology Test Catalog

At Chevron Clinical Laboratory, our pathology labs are continuously upgraded. We recognize the need for specialized testing and have established multiple pathology labs strategically located across the greater Chittagong division. This is the way that we help save lives through preventive care and early testing.

We have a wide range of tests, all of which can be seen below:

ABG (Arterial Blood Gas)

An arterial blood gas (ABG) is a blood test that is performed using blood from an artery. The test is used to determine the pH of the blood, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and the bicarbonate level. Such information is vital when caring for patients with critical illness or respiratory disease. As a result, the ABG is one of the most common tests performed on patients in intensive care units (ICUs).

ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone)

ACTH is often produced in response to biological stress. Its principal effects are increased production and release of corticosteroids. A deficiency of ACTH is a cause of secondary adrenal insufficiency and an excess of it is a cause of Cushing’s syndrome.

AFB (Acid Fast Bacilli) Smear Test

AFB smear test is done if you have symptoms, such as a chronic cough, weight loss, fever, chills, and weakness that may be due to tuberculosis.

AFP (Alpha Feto Protein)

AFP is a protein produced by fetal tissue (especially the liver) and by tumors. Increased amounts of AFP are found in vast majority of patients with a type of liver cancer called hepatocellular carcinoma. They are also found in some patients with cancer of the testes and ovaries.

Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)

Alkaline phosphatase is principally measured to evaluate diseases of liver or bone. ALP levels vary with age and pregnancy. ALP is elevated in growing children, decrease to an adult level, and then increase slightly in older people. During pregnancy ALP values elevate to two times normal level, rise to three times the normal level during labor and return to normal in three to four weeks.

Allergy Test Panel

Allergy is an abnormal reaction of our body towards certain external substances. Allergy can occur in us due to hereditary factors or our individual body constitution (genetic make-up).

Allergies can be fatal if not detected in time. A severe life threatening form of allergy known as anaphylaxis occurs in certain cases of allergy. Different allergy panels are:

Allergy Food Panel

  • Allergy Comprehensive Food Panel Vegetarian
  • Allergy Comprehensive Food Panel Vegetarian and Non Vegetarian
  • Allergy Food Panel Mini-Vegetarian
  • Allergy Food Panel Maxi-Vegetarian
  • Allergy Food Panel Non Vegetarian

Allergy Skin Panel

  • Allergy Eczema Panel Mini
  • Allergy Eczema Panel Maxi

Allergy Paediatric Panel

Allergy Respiratory Panel

  • Allergy Rhinitis Panel Mini
  • Allergy Rhinitis Panel Maxi


AMH is a glycoprotein dimer that performs various physiological functions. AMH production by the Sertoli cells of the testes remains high throughout childhood in males but declines to low levels during puberty and adult life. AMH has been shown to regulate production of sex hormones and changing AMH levels (falling in females, rising in males) may be involved in the onset of puberty in both sexes. AMH measurements have also become widely used in the evaluation of testicular presence and function in infants with intersex conditions, ambiguous genitalia, and cryptorchidism (absence of one or both testes from the scrotum).


This test measures the amount of ammonia in the blood diagnose severe liver disease and certain genetic urea cycle disorders; to help investigate the cause of changes in behaviour and consciousness; to support the diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy and Reye’s syndrome.


Amylase is present in a number of organs and tissues, the greatest concentration being in the pancreas. In acute pancreatitis, amylase increases 5-6 hours after the onset of symptoms and remains elevated for 2-5 days.

Anaemia Profile

  • CBC
  • LDH
  • Vit B12
  • ESR
  • Iron Studies
  • Ferritin
  • Reticulocyte Count
  • Hb Electrophoresis
  • Stool Routine

Ante Natal Panel

  • CBC
  • FBS
  • VDRL
  • TSH blood
  • HIV
  • HBsAg
  • Urine Routine

Anti CCP

Anti-CCP is primarily ordered along with an RF test when a patient has previously undiagnosed inflammatory arthritis or has been diagnosed with undifferentiated arthritis. It may be ordered as a follow-up test to a negative RF test when clinical signs, such as symmetrical joint pain and inflammation, lead the doctor to suspect RA.

Anti HBc IgM (IgM antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen)

The hepatitis B core antigen is present only in infected liver cells; it cannot be detected in the blood. It’s the first antibody produced after infection with HBV; used to detect acute infection.

Anti HBc Total (Both IgM and IgG antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen)

Detection of Anti HBc Total can be used to help detect acute and chronic HBV infections; it is produced in response to the core antigen and usually persists for life.

Anti HBe

In those who have recovered from acute hepatitis B infection, Anti-HBe will be present along with Anti-HBc and Anti-HBs. In those with chronic hepatitis B, Anti-HBe can be used to monitor the infection and treatment.

Anti HBs Total

The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is responsible for acute and chronic hepatitis infections, possibly evolving to cirrhosis or primary liver cancer. The detection of Anti HBs is thus performed to monitor infected patients and also to check the efficacy of immunization against the hepatitis B virus (vaccination by HBsAg). In vaccinated individuals only the Anti HBs are positive.

Anti Thyroid Antibody (ATAB)

This test includes detection of Thyroglobulin antibody (Anti Tg) and Microsomal or peroxidase antibody (Anti TPO). Thyroid antibody testing is primarily ordered to help diagnose an autoimmune thyroid disease and to separate it from other forms of thyroiditis. It may be ordered to help investigate the cause of a goitre and/or performed as a follow-up when other thyroid test results (such as FT3, FT4, and/or TSH) show signs of thyroid dysfunction.

Antinuclear Antibody (ANA)

This test is used to help diagnose systemic lupus erythmatosus (SLE) and drug-induced lupus, but may also be positive in a number of other diseases.

Apolipoproteins A1 & B

Apolipoproteins helps in the detection of premature coronary artery disease (CAD). Just like oil and water, cholesterol, which is fatty, and blood, which is watery, does not mix. In order to be able to travel in the bloodstream, the cholesterol made in the liver is combined with protein, making a lipoprotein. This lipoprotein then carries the cholesterol through the bloodstream. Thus, these tests help you diagnose susceptibility to various cardiac risks.

Arthritis Profile

  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • ANA
  • CBC, ESR
  • Uric Acid
  • Calcium
  • Urine Routine

Ascitic Fluid Analysis

Ascitic/Peritoneal fluid is a liquid that acts as a lubricant in the abdominal cavity. It is found in small quantities between the layers of the peritoneum. A variety of conditions and diseases can cause inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis) and/or excessive accumulation of peritoneal fluid (peritoneal effusion or ascites).

ASO (Anti Streptolysin ‘O’) Test

The ASO test is primarily ordered to help determine whether a patient has had a recent streptococcal infection. In cases where they do not cause identifiable symptoms and/or go untreated, however, post-streptococcal sequelae, namely rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis, can develop in some patients, especially young children. The test, therefore, is done if a patient presents with symptoms suggesting either of these conditions.

Bad Obstetric History (BOH) Profile

  • ANA
  • dsDNA
  • TSH
  • Cardiolipin IgG/IgM
  • Phospholipid IgG/IgM
  • Lupus anticoagulant

The blood value of bicarbonate is one of several indicators of the state of acid-base physiology in the body.

Bilirubin (Total, Direct & Indirect)
Bilirubin test is conducted to assess liver disorders, most commonly in case of jaundice.

Bleeding Time (BT)/Clotting Time (CT)
The BT test helps identify people who have defects in their platelet function. This is the ability of blood to clot following a wound or trauma. Clotting time is used to assess deficiency of coagulation factors; however it is not very sensitive unless the levels are very low; thus CT has become an obsolete test. The BT and CT tests are sometimes performed as a preoperative test to determine a patient’s likely bleeding response during and after surgery.

Blood Culture & Sensitivity
Blood culture test is conducted when you have signs or symptoms of a bacterial infection, such as fever, chills, elevated white blood cell count, and fatigue, which also may be a sign of infection occurring in other parts of the body, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), pneumonia, diarrhea, or skin infection.

Blood Grouping (ABO Rh)
Blood group test is conducted to assess one’s type of group i.e. either A, B, AB or O (which can be either positive or negative). Blood group is a prerequisite for any surgical procedures, blood donation, blood transfusions, pregnancy etc.

Blood Sugar (Glucose) Test
This test is done to determine the level of sugar in the blood. It is advisable to do this test fasting (8-10 hrs) and then post meal (exactly 2 hrs after completion of meal). High blood sugar indicates that you are a diabetic.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)/Urea
BUN is useful in evaluation of renal disease, and nutritional status. Urea synthesis is dependant on daily protein intake and protein metabolism. BUN and Creatinine tests are normally done together for differential diagnosis of kidney function.

Bone Profile

  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • Phosphorus
  • Total Proteins
  • Albumin
  • Globulin
  • A:G Ratio

Beta 2-Glycoprotein 1 IgG
Beta 2 glycoprotein 1 functions as a co factor for the binding of antibodies to the phospholipid cardiolipin. The determination of antibodies against Beta 2 glycoprotein1 in APS patients achieves diagnostic significance through the possibility of improving the prognosis of thromboembolic complications.

Beta 2 glycoprotein1 antibodies are only found in the case of autoimmune diseases, whereas antibodies against cardiolipin can be detected in APS and in certain infections (syphilis, boreliosis, AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis). Detection of Beta 2 glycoprotein1 antibodies provides a serological aid for the differentiation of autoimmune diseases from infections.

Beta 2-Glycoprotein 1 IgM
Beta 2 glycoprotein 1 functions as a co factor for the binding of antibodies to the phospholipid cardiolipin. The determination of antibodies against Beta 2 glycoprotein1 in APS patients achieves diagnostic significance through the possibility of improving the prognosis of thromboembolic complications.

Beta 2 glycoprotein1 antibodies are only found in the case of autoimmune diseases, whereas antibodies against cardiolipin can be detected in APS and in certain infections (syphilis, boreliosis, AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis). Detection of Beta 2 glycoprotein1 antibodies provides a serological aid for the differentiation of autoimmune diseases from infections.

CA 19-9
CA 19-9 is not sensitive or specific enough to be considered useful as a tool for cancer screening. Its main use is as a tumor marker:

  • to help differentiate between cancer of the pancreas and bile ducts and other non-cancerous conditions, such as pancreatitis;
  • to monitor a patient’s response to pancreatic cancer treatment; and
  • to watch for pancreatic cancer recurrence.

CA 19-9 can only be used as a marker if the cancer is producing elevated amounts of it; if CA 19-9 is not initially elevated, then it usually cannot be used later as a marker.

This test helps to monitor treatment for ovarian cancer, before starting therapy for ovarian cancer or if at high risk for developing ovarian cancer, and at intervals during and after treatment. CA-125 levels may also be high in other types of non-cancerous conditions, including menstruation, pregnancy, and pelvic inflammatory disease.

Measurement of calcium is used in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of bone diseases, parathyroid disease and chronic renal (kidney) disease. Low calcium causes intermittent muscular contractions and spasms, whereas, high calcium muscle weakness along with other complex symptoms.

Carbamazepine is a drug that is primarily used to treat certain seizure disorders (also called epilepsy) but is also prescribed to stabilize the moods of people with bipolar disease and to help alleviate some types of nerve pain. The carbamazepine test is used to measure and monitor the amount of carbamazepine in the blood to determine whether the level of drug is within the therapeutic range.

Cardiolipin IgG
Anti Cardiolipin IgG test is performed for the detection of clinical complications associated with the occurrence of anti-phospholipid syndrome: venous and arterial thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, spontaneous abortion, still births and premature births; involvement of central nervous system; early signs of bone necrosis; pulmonary hypertonia.

Cardiolipin IgM
Anti Cardiolipin IgM test is performed for the detection of clinical complications associated with the occurrence of anti-phospholipid syndrome: venous and arterial thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, spontaneous abortion, still births and premature births; involvement of central nervous system; early signs of bone necrosis; pulmonary hypertonia.

CCP-Ab (Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody)
CCP test along with an RF test helps in the diagnoses of inflammatory arthritis. It may be ordered as a follow-up test to a negative RF test when clinical signs, such as symmetrical joint pain and inflammation, lead the doctor to suspect RA.

CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen)
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a protein that is found in embryonic tissues. By the time a baby is born, detectable levels in the blood disappear. In adults, CEA is normally present at very low levels in blood. When the concentration of CEA is elevated, it may indicate that a cancer is present. However, an increase in CEA may also be due to benign conditions.

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis may be used to help diagnose a wide variety of diseases and conditions affecting the central nervous system (CNS). They may be divided into four main categories:

  • Infectious diseases such as meningitis and encephalitis-testing is used to determine if the cause is bacterial, tuberculous, fungal or viral, and to distinguish it from other conditions; may also be used to detect infections of or near the spinal cord or to investigate a fever of unknown origin.
  • Bleeding (hemorrhaging) within the brain or skull.
  • Diseases that cause inflammation or other immune responses.
  • Tumors located within the CNS (primary) or metastatic cancer.

Chikungunya IgM
This test is used for the detection of chikungunya disease which is caused by Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) transmitted to humans by virus-carrying Aedes mosquitoes. The incubation period of Chikungunya disease is from two to four days. Symptoms of the disease include a fever up to 40 °C (104 °F), a petechial or maculopapular rash of the trunk and occasionally the limbs, and arthralgia or arthritis affecting multiple joints.

Other nonspecific symptoms can include headache, conjunctival infection, and slight photophobia. Typically, the fever lasts for two days and then ends abruptly. However, other symptoms, namely joint pain, intense headache, insomnia and an extreme degree of prostration last for a variable period; usually for about 5 to 7 days. Patients have complained of joint pains for much longer time periods depending on their age.

Chloride is an electrolyte that is significantly involved in maintenance of water distribution and osmotic pressure. Surplus chloride is excreted in the urine and is also lost in the sweat.

Cholesterol is an important risk factor for development of heart disease. The higher the cholesterol level the greater the risk for developing heart disease, and lowering high cholesterol levels reduces the risk.

Coagulation Profile

  • CBC
  • Bleeding Time
  • Clotting Time
  • PT/PIP
  • TT

Complete Blood Count/CBC
The CBC is used as a broad screening test to check for disorders as anemia, infection, and many other diseases. It is actually a panel of tests that examines different parts of the blood and includes the following:

  • Hemoglobin (Hb)
  • White Blood Cell Count (WBC)
  • Red Blood Cell Count (RBC)
  • Platelet Count
  • Hematocrit (HCT)/Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
  • Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
  • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)
  • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)

Conjunctival Smear
Smear collected with the help of a sterile cotton swab from the conjunctiva is used to assess any bacterial infection prior to cataract surgery.

The hormone is secreted in a daily pattern, rising in the early morning, peaking around 8 am, and declining in the evening. This pattern, which is sometimes called the “diurnal variation” or “circadian rhythm,” changes if you work irregular shifts (such as the night shift) and sleep at different times of the day. This test is therefore performed between 8 to 10 am and again between 4 to 6 pm. Inadequate amounts of cortisol can cause nonspecific symptoms such as weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, and abdominal pain. Sometimes decreased production combined with a stress can cause an adrenal crisis that requires immediate medical attention.

CMV IgM and IgG antibody testing may be used to help diagnose primary CMV infection in young adults, pregnant women, and some immune-compromised patients with flu- or mononucleosis-like symptoms. By comparing the absence or presence of both IgG and IgM in the same sample, the doctor can distinguish between primary, latent, and reactivated CMV in symptomatic patients.

CPK Total & CK-MB
Measurement of CPK is useful in the diagnosis of suspected myocardial infarction (damage to heart muscles) and is a very sensitive indicator of skeletal muscle damage. Both CPK total and CK-MB activity rises in myocardial damage. A CK-MB fraction more than 6% of the total CPK activity is regarded as diagnostic for myocardial infarction. A fraction of less than 6% indicates skeletal muscle damage.

Creatinine production is proportional to muscle mass and varies little from day to day. Measurement of creatinine is used in the diagnosis and treatment of renal (kidney) disease and in monitoring renal dialysis.

CRP (C-Reactive Protein)
CRP measurement is useful in non-specific screening for inflammatory and infectious disorders. It may increase dramatically in inflammatory conditions.

The D-dimer test is used to help rule out include:

  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Pulmonary embolism (PE)
  • Strokes

This test may be used to determine if further testing is necessary to help diagnose diseases and conditions that cause hypercoagulability, a tendency to clot inappropriately. It may also be used to help diagnose disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and to monitor the effectiveness of DIC treatment.

Dengue IgG/IgM
Dengue viruses are transmitted to humans by Stegomyia aegypti (formerly Aedes aegypti) mosquitoes and cause a wide range of symptoms, from unapparent or mild disease (dengue fever) to a severe hemorrhagic form (dengue hemorrhagic fever) Detection of Dengue IgM antibodies helps in the diagnosis of acute dengue infection which is caused by a mosquito bite; however these antibodies can be detected only after 5 days of onset of fever.

Dengue NS-1 Antigen
This test helps in rapid and early detection of dengue disease beginning as NS1 antigen is seen circulating from day one of onset of fever till day 9.

DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate)

DHEAS is a male sex hormone that is present in the blood of both men and women. Adrenal tumors, cancers, and hyperplasia can lead to the overproduction of DHEAS. While elevated levels may not be noticed in adult men, they can lead to amenorrhea and visible symptoms of virilization. These changes vary in severity and may include:

  • a deeper voice
  • hirsutism
  • male pattern baldness
  • muscularity
  • acne
  • enlargement of the Adam’s apple

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)
DHT is responsible for the development of the male external genitalia and the prostate. It is also primarily responsible for the physical changes that occur during male sexual maturation. Elevated levels may indicate hypergonadism or hirsutism.

Diabetic Profile

  • CBC, ESR
  • Blood Sugar- Fasting / PP
  • Lipid Profile
  • Microalbuminuria
  • Creatinine
  • Glycosylated Hb
  • Urine Routine

Digoxin (Lanoxin)
Digoxin is a drug used to treat heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms. This test measures the amount of digoxin in the blood. The dose of digoxin prescribed may be adjusted depending on the level measured.

Dilantin (Phenytoin/Eptoin)
Phenytoin is a drug that is used to treat some seizure disorders. The phenytoin test is used to measure and monitor the amount of phenytoin in the blood and to determine whether drug concentrations are in the therapeutic range.

Dual Marker (First trimester)
The first trimester screen is a combination of two blood tests and a special ultrasound that are used to screen pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

  • Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A)
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
  • Nuchal translucency is measurement made by ultrasound.

Each test measures a different factor that is altered in a fetus that has chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21) or Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18). Performing and evaluating them together increases both the sensitivity and specificity of the screening results.


Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that are found in body tissues and blood in the form of dissolved salts. They help move nutrients into and wastes out of the body’s cells, maintain a healthy water balance, and help stabilize the body’s pH level. The electrolyte panel measures the main electrolytes in the body: sodium (Na+), potassium (K+) and chloride (Cl-).

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
The ESR is an easy, inexpensive, nonspecific test that has been used for many years to help diagnose conditions associated with inflammation, including infections, cancers, and autoimmune diseases.

Estradiol/Estrogen (E2)
Measurement of estrogen levels is essential in case of a woman who has unexplained abnormal menstrual cycles, abnormal or heavy bleeding, infertility, symptoms of menopause, or any other hormonal alterations; also used to test for fetal-placental status during early stages of pregnancy; the presence of female-like characteristics in males may require estrogen measurement as well.

Estriol (E3)
This test provides an objective assessment of placental function and fetal normality in high-risk pregnancies. Estriol is the major estrogen in the pregnant female.

The ferritin test is done to see how much iron your body has stored for future use. The test is done, usually with an Iron studies test, to learn about iron levels in your blood. Ferritin is the best test for iron deficiency and a very good test for iron overload.

Fever Profile


  • CBC
  • ESR
  • MP
  • Widal Test
  • SGPT
  • Urine Routine
  • Blood Culture

Folic Acid/Folate
Folic acid levels help diagnose the cause of anemia or neuropathy (nerve damage), to evaluate nutritional status in some patients, to monitor effectiveness of treatment for B12 or folate deficiency.

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
FSH is often used in conjunction with other tests (LH, testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone) in the workup of infertility in both men and women. FSH levels are used to help determine the reason a man has a low sperm count. FSH levels are also useful in the investigation of menstrual irregularities and to aid in the diagnosis of pituitary disorders or diseases involving the ovaries or testes. In children, FSH and LH are used to diagnose delayed or precocious (early) puberty.

Free PSA
Free PSA to Total PSA ratio helps in differentiating prostate cancer from benign hypertrophy.

Free Testosterone & Bioavailable Testosterone
Bioavailable testosterone (BAT) refers to the sum of free testosterone plus albumin-bound testosterone. Alternatively, it is the fraction of circulating testosterone that is not bound to SHBG. It is suggested that BAT represents the fraction of circulating testosterone that readily enters cells and better reflects the bioactivity of testosterone than does the simple measurement of serum total testosterone.

Free T3/FT3 (Free Triiodothyronine)
A FT3 test helps to determine whether the thyroid is functioning properly. It is ordered primarily to help diagnose hyperthyroidism and may be ordered to help monitor the progress of a patient with a known thyroid disorder.

Free T4/FT4 (Free Thyroxine)
FT4 helps evaluate thyroid gland function; also to help diagnose hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism and to screen for hypothyroidism in newborn.

G6PD (Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase)
The goal of G6PD activity testing is to detect a G6PD deficiency and to determine its potential severity. G6PD activity testing may be done on children who had persistent jaundice as a newborn that was not due to another identified cause.

GGT (Gamma Glutamyl Transferase)
Estimation of GGT is most often used to differentiate the source of an elevated serum alkaline phosphatase, e.g., liver or bone; GGT is not present in bone. Another common use is in the evaluation of alcohol abuse.

Glycosylated Hb (HbA1c)
Estimation of glycosylated Hb reflects the mean glucose and control level of the previous 2 to 3 months. HbA1c measurement determines whether the patient’s diabetes is well controlled; this monitoring will allow assessment of therapeutic efficacy.

Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT/GTC)
A glucose tolerance test is the administration of glucose to determine how quickly it is cleared from the blood. The test is usually used to test for diabetes, insulin resistance, and sometimes reactive hypoglycemia.

Grams Stain
To identify the presence of bacteria in a patient’s specimen from the infected site so that appropriate treatment can be given.

HAV IgM (Hepatitis ‘A’ Virus IgM Antibody)
IgM antibodies to HAV are used in a patient with evidence of acute hepatitis, such as jaundice, dark urine, pale colored stools, fever, and loss of appetite.

Hepatitis B e-antigen (HBeAg) is a viral protein associated with HBV infections. Measurement of e-antigen may also be used to monitor the effectiveness of HBV treatment; successful treatment will usually eliminate HBeAg from the blood and lead to development of antibodies against e-antigen (anti-HBe).

Hb Electrophoresis
Hb Electrophoresis helps in detection of hemoglobin variants which is useful in following cases:

  • Screen for common hemoglobin variants in newborns.
  • Prenatal screening is also done in some areas on high-risk mothers.
  • Screening may also be done in conjunction with genetic counseling prior to pregnancy to determine possible carrier status of parents.
  • Identify variants in asymptomatic parents with an affected child.
  • Identify hemoglobin variants in those with symptoms of unexplained anemia, microcytosis, and/or hypochromasia. It may also be ordered as part of an anemia investigation.
  • Identify hemoglobin variants in those with symptoms of unexplained anemia, microcytosis, and/or hypochromasia. It may also be ordered as part of an anemia investigation.

HBsAg (Hepatitis ‘B’ Surface Antigen)

In a patient with acute hepatitis, HBsAg is usually ordered to detect recent infection by hepatitis B virus (HBV). In persons with chronic hepatitis, or with elevated SGOT or SGPT, HBsAg is usually done to see if the liver damage is due to HBV.

IgE antibody test is done to screen for an allergy to a specific substance or substances when a patient presents with acute or chronic allergy-like symptoms. The IgE antibody test may also be done when the patient has significant dermatitis or eczema (also a sign of allergies), is taking necessary histamines or anti-depressants.


Estimation of insulin helps to evaluate insulin production, diagnose an insulinoma (insulin-producing pancreatic islet cell tumor), and to help determine the cause of hypoglycemia.

Ionized Calcium
The ionized calcium test measures only the free, metabolically active form of calcium. Ionized calcium should be conducted on critically ill patients who are receiving blood transfusions or intravenous fluids, patients undergoing major surgery, and patients with blood protein abnormalities like low albumin. Large fluctuations in ionized calcium can cause the heart to slow down or to beat too rapidly, can cause muscles to go into spasm (tetany), and can cause confusion or even coma. In those who are critically ill, it can be extremely important to monitor the ionized calcium level in order to be able to treat and prevent serious complications.

Iron Studies
Iron status is evaluated by the following tests that are done under iron studies:

  • Serum iron – measures the level of iron in the liquid part of your blood.
  • Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) – measures the amount of iron that can be carried through blood by transferrin. Transferrin is the protein that transports iron from the gut to the cells that use it. Your body makes transferrin in relationship to your need for iron; when iron stores are low, transferrin levels increase and vice versa. In healthy people, about one-third of the binding sites on transferrin are used to transport iron. This number is called the transferrin saturation.

Kidney Function Tests

  • BUN
  • Creatinine
  • Total Proteins
  • Albumin
  • Globulin
  • A : G ratio
  • Uric Acid
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride
  • Heart injury Profile
  • Cardiac Profiles
  • Hypertension Profile
  • Fever Profile 1 & 2
  • Acute Hepatitis Profile
  • Ante natal panels 1,2 ,3
  • Pre marital Screening

Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
LDH is often used as a marker of tissue breakdown. As LDH is abundant in red blood cells it can function as a marker for hemolysis. It can also be used as a marker of myocardial infarction. Following a myocardial infarction, levels of LDH peak at 3-4 days and remain elevated for up to 10 days. In this way, elevated levels of LDH can be useful for determining if a patient has had a myocardial infarction if they come to doctors several days after an episode of chest pain.

LDL Cholesterol
Low-density lipoprotein is the major cholesterol carrier in the blood. If too much LDL cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the walls of the arteries feeding the heart and brain. A high level of LDL cholesterol (160 mg/dL and above) reflects an increased risk of heart disease. If you have heart disease, your LDL cholesterol should be less than 100 mg/dL. That’s why LDL cholesterol is called “bad” cholesterol. Lower levels of LDL cholesterol reflect a lower risk of heart disease.

LH (Luteinizing hormone)
LH is often used in conjunction with other tests (FSH, testosterone, estradiol and progesterone) in the workup of infertility in both men and women. LH levels are also useful in the investigation of menstrual irregularities and to aid in the diagnosis of pituitary disorders or diseases involving the ovaries or testes.

Lipase is an enzyme necessary for the absorption and digestion of nutrients in the intestines. Lipase is primarily produced in the pancreas, thus helps to diagnose and monitor pancreatitis or other pancreatic diseases. Lipase test is conducted when one has symptoms of a pancreatic disorder, such as severe abdominal pain, fever, loss of appetite, or nausea.

Lipid Profile

  • Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • HDL-Cholesterol
  • LDL-Cholesterol
  • VLDL-Cholesterol
  • Chol/HDL-chol Ratio
  • LDL-chol/HDL-chol Ratio

Lipoprotein (a) [Lp (a)]
High Lp(a) in blood is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke. Lp(a) is an independent risk factor not dependent on LDL.

Lithium concentration in the blood is determined in order to maintain a therapeutic level or to detect lithium toxicity.

Liver Function Tests

  • Bilirubin Total
  • Bilirubin Direct
  • Bilirubin Indirect
  • Total Proteins
  • Albumin
  • Globulin
  • A:G Ratio
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • SGOT
  • SGPT
  • GGTP

Magnesium is a mineral that is vital for energy production, muscle contraction, nerve function, and the maintenance of strong bones. Magnesium testing may be ordered as a follow up to chronically low levels of calcium and potassium. It also may be ordered when a person has symptoms that may be due to a magnesium deficiency, such as muscle weakness, twitching, cramping, confusion, cardiac arrhythmias, and seizures.

Malaria Antigen Test (MP Ag)
MP Ag test is a rapid test for detection of live parasites in blood. A repeat test becomes negative generally within 2-4 days following the beginning of successful treatment. This test is suitable to verify the effectiveness of therapy, underlying possible resistant strains of Plasmodium spps.

Malarial Parasite (MP)
MP test is done to rule out malarial infection (Plasmodium vivax or Plasmodium falciparum)

Mantoux Test (MT) or Tuberculin Skin Test
MT helps determine whether or not you may have been exposed to and become infected with tuberculosis bacteria. The TB skin test is also used sometimes as part of a routine examination prior to starting school or a new job. Since mothers can pass TB to their unborn children, pregnant women are sometimes screened.

An injection given on the forearm for this test may develop a reaction which is read between 48-72 hrs.

Marijuana (THC)
Tetrahydrocannabinols are the most active of the principle constituents of cannabinoids such as marijuana and hashish. Cannabinoids have been used as central nervous system depressants. Overdose and extended use of cannabinoids may lead to substance abuse, which may cause severe and/or permanent damage to the human nervous system. The detection of TCH in human urine is widely used to evaluate the abuse of cannabinoids.

Methadone, also called Dolophine, Methadose and Amidone produces marked sedative effects with repeated administration as a result of drug accumulation. Methadone has been found remaining in urine at levels higher than 1000 ng/ml 24 hours after overdose. Therefore the concentration of methadone in human urine has been used as a marker of methadone abuse.

Methamphetamine in over dosage causes restlessness, confusion, anxiety, hallucinations, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, hyperthermia, circulatory collapse, convulsions, and coma. Chronic abusers may develop paranoid psychosis.


The microalbumin test is used to screen people with chronic conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension, that put them at an increased risk of developing kidney disease. Identifying the very early stages of kidney disease (microalbuminuria) helps people and doctors adjust treatment. With better control of diabetes and hypertension by maintaining tight glycemic control and reducing blood pressure, the progression of kidney disease can be slowed or prevented.

Microalbuminuria (Micral)

Although not detected by routine urine test, diabetic patients may be passing albumin in urine for months or years, before it reaches a level that can be detected by conventional methods. Therefore detecting microalbuminuria at an early stage means saving the kidneys from irreversible damage, which can be caused due to uncontrolled diabetes. A first morning urine sample before exercise or walk is essential for micral test.

Either BNP or NT-proBNP may be used to help diagnose heart failure and to grade the severity of heart failure. BNP and NT-proBNP levels can also help doctors differentiate between heart failure and other problems, such as lung disease.

17-OH Progesterone
17-Hydroxyprogesterone is a natural progestogen, and in pregnancy increases in the third trimester primarily due to fetal adrenal production. Levels of 17-hydroxyprogesterone builds up in patients with suspected congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In contrast, the rare patient with 17a-hydroxylase deficiency will have very low or undetectable levels of 17OHP.

Obesity Profile

  • CBC
  • BS-F/PP
  • Insulin-F/PP
  • Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • HDL-Chol
  • LDL-Chol
  • VLDL-Chol
  • Chol/HDL Ratio
  • LDL/HDL Ratio
  • Uric Acid
  • SGPT
  • Creatinine
  • Total Proteins
  • Albumin
  • Globulin
  • A:G Ratio
  • FT3
  • FT4
  • TSH
  • Urine Routine

Pap Smear

Pap Smear Screening test to detect cervical cancer and precancerous conditions. The cell enrichment process separates and removes blood, mucus and other cells, reducing the risk of missed diagnosis. Faster turnaround time. Same sample can be used for the HPV test.

Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)
The PTT test is used along with the PT (Prothrombin Time) test when someone has unexplained bleeding or clotting. It is often used with recurrent miscarriages that often are associated with anticardiolipin and phospholipid antibodies. The PTT and PT tests are also sometimes used as pre-surgical screens.

PCOD Profile

  • BS- F/PP
  • FSH
  • Insulin- F/PP
  • Prolactin
  • LH
  • Testosterone

The serum phosphorus test measures the amount of phosphate in your blood. Phosphorus testing is very important in people who are malnourished or who are being treated for ketoacidosis. Testing also can help to diagnose disorders that affect the kidneys.

Platelet Count
A platelet count is often requested as a standard part of a complete blood count, when a patient has unexplained bruises or takes what appears to be an unusually long time to stop bleeding from a small cut or wound. Bleeding disorders or other bone marrow diseases, such as leukemia, require the determination of the number of platelets present and/or their ability to function correctly.

Pleural Fluid
Pleural fluid analysis is used to help diagnose the cause of inflammation of the pleura (pleuritis) and/or accumulation of fluid in the pleural space (pleural effusion). There are two main reasons for fluid accumulation, and an initial set of tests (albumin, cell count and appearance of the fluid) is used to differentiate between the two types of fluid that may be produced i.e. transudates or exudates.

Potassium (K+)
This test is done to determine whether your potassium concentration is within normal limits and to help evaluate an electrolyte imbalance; to monitor chronic or acute hyperkalemia (high potassium) or hypokalemia (low potassium).

Prenatal Profile

  • CBC
  • BUN
  • Blood Group
  • VDRL
  • HIV
  • HBsAg
  • Urine Routine

Since progesterone levels vary predictably throughout the menstrual cycle, multiple (serial) measurements can be used to help recognize and manage some causes of infertility. Progesterone can be measured to determine whether or not a woman has ovulated, to determine when ovulation occurred, and to monitor the success of induced ovulation.

Prolactin test is conducted when you have symptoms of elevated prolactin, such as galactorrhea (milk production not during pregnancy) and/or visual disturbances and headaches; as part of a workup for female and male infertility; for follow-up of low testosterone in men.


Low levels of procalcitonin in a seriously ill person represent a low risk of sepsis and progression to severe sepsis and/or septic shock. High levels indicate a high probability of sepsis, that is, a higher likelihood of a bacterial cause for the symptoms. They also suggest a higher risk of progression to severe sepsis and then to septic shock.

Protein Electrophoresis
Protein electrophoresis test helps diagnose and monitor multiple myeloma and a variety of other conditions that affect protein absorption, production, and loss as seen in severe organ disease and altered nutritional states. Electrophoresis is used to identify the presence of abnormal proteins, to identify the absence of normal proteins, and to determine when different groups of proteins are present in unusually high or low amounts. Alterations to the usual appearance of these patterns can help in the diagnosis of diseases such as autoimmune disease, an acute or chronic infection, a kidney or liver disorder, or a protein-losing condition or multiple myeloma.

Prothrombin Time (PT)
A PT test is to check how well blood-thinning medications (anti-coagulants) are working to prevent blood clots; to help detect and diagnose a bleeding disorder.

PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
PSA test helps to screen asymptomatic and symptomatic men for prostate cancer, to help determine the necessity for a biopsy of the prostate, to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for prostate cancer, and to detect recurrence of prostate cancer.

PTH (Parathyroid Hormone)
PTH test is used to determine whether PTH levels are responding normally to changes in blood calcium levels; to distinguish the cause of calcium imbalances; to evaluate parathyroid function; during surgery for hyperparathyroidism, to confirm removal of the gland(s) causing the problem.

Pre-Marital Screening

  • FBS
  • Blood group
  • VDRL Hb
  • Elecrtophoresis
  • CBC
  • HBsAg
  • HIV
  • Urine Routine
  • X-Ray
  • Chest PA View

Reticulocyte Count
To help evaluate the bone marrow’s ability to produce red blood cells (RBCs) and to help distinguish between anemias related to blood loss or destruction and anemia related to decreased RBC production.

Rh Antibody Titre
During pregnancy, this test is used to screen for antibodies that might cross the placenta and attack the baby’s red cells, causing hemolytic disease of the newborn. The most serious cause is antibody in a blood group system called the Rh system. An Rh negative mother will have this test performed early in her pregnancy, at 28 weeks, and again at the time of delivery.

Rheumatoid Factor (RF/RA) Test
The rheumatoid factor (RF) test is primarily used to help diagnose rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to distinguish it from other forms of arthritis and other conditions that cause similar symptoms of joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness.

Rubella IgG/IgM
This test measures the presence of rubella antibodies in the blood. There are two types of rubella antibodies: IgM and IgG. The first type to appear in the blood after exposure is the IgM rubella antibody. The level of this protein in the blood rises and peaks within about 7 to 10 days after infection and then tapers off over the next few weeks, except in an infected newborn, where it may be detected for several months to a year. The IgG rubella antibody takes a bit longer to appear than the IgM, but once it does, it stays in the bloodstream for life, providing protection against re-infection. The presence of IgM rubella antibodies in the blood can indicate a recent infection while the presence of IgG antibodies may indicate a recent or past rubella infection or that a rubella vaccine (a measles, mumps, rubella vaccine) has been given and is providing adequate protection.

Semen Analysis
A semen analysis is used to determine whether a man might be infertile-unable to get a woman pregnant. The semen analysis has many parts and tests a lot of aspects of the semen and sperm.

A man should abstain from ejaculating for three to four days before the sample is collected for testing. Sperms are very temperature-sensitive; If collection is done at home, the sample should be kept at room temperature (22-24°C) at all times and submitted to the laboratory within 10 minutes. Never refrigerate the sample.

SGOT/AST (Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase)
Testing for SGOT is usually used to detect liver damage and heart or muscle injury. It is used to evaluate a patient who seems to have symptoms of a liver disorder. Some of these symptoms include jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin), dark urine, nausea, vomiting, abdominal swelling, unusual weight gain, and abdominal pain.

SGPT/ALT (Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase)                         
SGPT test is used to evaluate a patient who has symptoms of a liver disorder. Some of these symptoms include jaundice, dark urine, nausea, vomiting, abdominal swelling, unusual weight gain, and abdominal pain. SGPT is often used to monitor the treatment of persons who have liver disease or persons who take drugs that might occasionally damage the liver, to see if the treatment is working.


  • Cholesterol
  • Creatinine
  • Phosphorous
  • Calcium
  • SGOT
  • SGPT
  • Total Proteins
  • Albumin/Globulin/A:G Ratio
  • Bilirubin Total
  • Bilirubin Direct
  • Bilirubin Indirect
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • Uric Acid
  • LDH

SMS – 12 + 2

  • FBS
  • BUN
  • Cholesterol
  • Creatinine
  • Phosphorous
  • Calcium
  • SGOT
  • SGPT
  • Total Protein
  • Albumin / Globulin / A:G Ratio
  • Bilirubin Total
  • Bilirubin Direct
  • Bilirubin Indirect
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • Uric Acid
  • LDH

Sodium (Na+)
This test is done to determine whether your sodium concentration is within normal limits and to help evaluate electrolyte balance and kidney function; to monitor chronic or acute hyper- or hyponatremia (high or low sodium levels).

Stool Routine Test
Routine examination of stool is carried out in case of diarrhea, dysentery and parasitic infections.

Occult Blood Test (OBT)
done as a part if routine stool examination is used to screen for gastrointestinal bleeding, which may be an indicator of colon cancer. A secondary use of OBT is to look for a cause of anemia, such as might be caused by a bleeding ulcer. It is also tested in symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue or a low hemoglobin and hematocrit, and/or bloody or dark stools.

Synovial Fluid
Synovial fluid is a viscous liquid that acts as a lubricant for the major joints of the body. Synovial fluid analysis consists of a group of tests that detect changes in synovial fluid that may indicate the presence of diseases that affect joint structure and function.

If testosterone level is abnormal, it may help to explain difficulty getting an erection (erectile dysfunction), inability of your partner to get pregnant (infertility), or premature or delayed puberty if you are male, or the appearance of masculine physical features if you are female.

The thyroglobulin test is primarily used as a tumor marker to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for thyroid cancer and to monitor for recurrence and to help determine the cause of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

TORCH is an acronym for a group of infectious diseases that can cause illness in pregnant women and may cause birth defects in their newborns. The test is a screen for the presence of any of the antibodies to these infections. The following tests make up the TORCH panel: Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes simplex virus.

Total Body Profile

  • CBC, ESR
  • Bilirubin Direct
  • Uric Acid
  • BS-F/PP
  • Bilirubin Indirect
  • Calcium
  • Cholesterol
  • Total Proteins
  • Phosphorous Triglycerides
  • Albumin/Globulin/A:G Ratio
  • SodiumHDL-Chol
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • Potassium
  • LDL-Chol
  • SGOT
  • Chloride
  • VLDL-Chol
  • SGPT
  • Urine Routine
  • Chol/HDL Ratio
  • GGTP
  • Stool Routine
  • LDL/HDL Ratio
  • BUN
  • Bilirubin Total
  • Creatinine

Total Proteins
Total protein measurements can reflect nutritional status, such as when you have undergone a recent weight loss, kidney disease, liver disease, and many other conditions. It is reported along with the calculated ratio of albumin to globulins, termed the A/G ratio.

Toxoplasma IgG/IgM
Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection which is acquired by ingesting the parasite when handling the excrement of infected cats, drinking unpasteurized goat’s milk, and, most commonly, by eating contaminated meat. It can also be passed from mother to baby through the placenta during pregnancy. Presence of IgG antibodies is suggestive of past infection and IgM antibodies are indicative of current infection.

Transferrin is tested when evaluating a patient’s nutritional status or liver function. Because it is made in the liver, transferrin will be low in patients with liver disease. Transferrin levels also drop when there is not enough protein in the diet, so this test can be used to monitor nutrition.

Blood tests for triglycerides are usually part of a lipid profile used to identify the risk of developing heart disease. If you are diabetic, it is especially important to have triglycerides measured as part of any lipid testing since triglycerides increase significantly when blood sugar is out of control.

Triple Marker First Trimester
The first trimester screen is a combination of two blood tests such as PAPP and free HCG and a special ultrasound that are used to screen pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Each test measures a different factor that is altered in a fetus that has chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome or trisomy 18.

Triple Marker Second Trimester
The triple screen is a group of three tests that are used to screen pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy.

  1. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
  2. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
  3. Unconjugated estriol (uE3)

Results of each of these tests are considered together to determine the risk that the fetus has a chromosomal defect or an open neural tube defect.

Troponin I
The troponin test is used to help diagnose a heart attack, to detect and evaluate mild to severe heart injury, and to distinguish chest pain that may be due to other causes. In patients who experience heart-related chest pain, discomfort, or other symptoms and do not seek medical attention for a day or more, the troponin test will still be positive if the symptoms are due to heart damage.

TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone)
TSH estimation is used to screen for and help diagnose thyroid disorders; to monitor treatment of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Uric Acid
This test is done to detect high levels of uric acid, which could be a sign of the condition gout, to monitor uric acid levels when undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment or impaired kidney function that results in decreased ability to excrete uric acid.

Urine Culture & Sensitivity
A urine culture may be ordered when symptoms indicate the possibility of a urinary tract infection, such as pain and burning when urinating and frequent urge to urinate. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed based on the sensitivity report.

Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT)
UPT is a qualitative urine test which detects pregnancy and should be done after 48-72 hours of missed periods.

Urine Routine Test
Urine test is normally done during a routine check up or when you have symptoms of a urinary tract infection, such as abdominal pain, back pain, frequent or painful urination, or blood in the urine; as part of a pregnancy checkup, a hospital admission, or a pre-surgical work-up.

The test is used to diagnose infection with syphilis in sexually active persons. Pregnant women also are screened to prevent the spread to the fetus.

Vitamin B12/Cobalamin
Vitamin B12 estimation helps diagnose the cause of anemia or neuropathy (nerve damage), to evaluate nutritional status in some patients, to monitor effectiveness of treatment for B12 or folate deficiency.

Vitamin D

25-hydroxyvitamin D is used to determine if bone weakness, bone malformation, or abnormal metabolism of calcium occurring as a result of a deficiency or excess of vitamin D. Low blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D may mean that you are not getting enough exposure to sunlight or enough dietary vitamin D to meet your body’s demand or that there is a problem with its absorption from the intestines. High levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D usually reflect excess supplementation from vitamin pills or other nutritional supplements.

White Blood Cell Count (WBC)
The WBC count is used to suggest the presence of an infection or leukemia. It is also used to help monitor the body’s response to various treatments and to monitor bone marrow function.

Widal test is done to rule out typhoid, ideally after 6 days of fever. A blood culture test may be done in case of a negative finding for confirmation.

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